I am full of more Gratitude.

Roy Clayton
3 min readDec 14, 2020


I have so much to be thankful for. All of my needs and many of my wants are met. People who care about me surround me and I am aware of their loving presence. Because of this, I am full of gratitude.

So many people in this world go without basic needs: food, shelter, or clean water. Many struggles just to get by each day. When I think about these things, I remember how blessed I am. Regardless of what my future may hold, today I have food, shelter, and clean water and those gifts are worthy of my gratitude.

Island view

Each day, I take a few moments to remind myself of my many blessings. I think of the people who love me. I take a moment to mentally send love and gratitude to all of them in return.

I remember all of how life is easy for me. I have gifts and talents to share. Many things come easily to me, even when I feel challenged by my life. Other things come less easily to me, but I know that each one is an opportunity to learn.

I intentionally cultivate thankfulness for life’s challenging situations too.

If I ever feel like I have little to be grateful for, and counting my blessings seems not to help, I go out of my way to do a good turn for someone else. By being helpful to others, I remind myself that the world is an abundant place. And when I remember this, I am grateful.

Today, I am thankful for the blessings in my life. I take time to be conscious of each of them. With all of this abundance surrounding me, I am full of gratitude.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I be thankful for today?

2. How can I be of service to someone today?

3. In what ways does being helpful to others increase my own gratitude?

In my alone time, I consider things I am grateful for.

Every day is a day of thanksgiving. In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to overlook blessings. But I set aside time each day to consider the things I am grateful for.

At times, I invite my kids to share my alone time. I ask them to list things they are thankful for. This bonding activity brings us closer together. It also teaches them to avoid taking things for granted.

Even on difficult days, I give thanks that it is not any worse. I acknowledge that so many others have it worse than me. That mindset helps me to build the drive and will to keep going.

I take the time to express thanks for my tough situations. They teach me perseverance, forgiveness, and creativity. I feel my character building with each challenge I face.

My resolve grows each day after I list the things I am thankful for. I feel more and more invincible.

I see every situation as a blessing. Some are tougher than others. But I appreciate every learning experience I get. I admire the person I am becoming.

Today, I find blessings in both my good days and bad days. I commit to finding something positive in every situation. I am grateful regardless of the circumstances I face.

Yellow dragonfly.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Are there difficulties that are too hard for me to overlook?

2. Do I feel refreshed and reenergized after every thanksgiving session I hold?

3. How do I handle situations where others display ungratefulness?

If you’d like a free digital copy of my “Happiness Journal” that I’ve created to help us, as we go through this subject, you can get it from here.

Roy Clayton




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