Roy Clayton
3 min readJul 31, 2020
The incredible internet marketing course, Week 2, Mission 5.

The incredible internet marketing course, Week 2, Mission 5.

Today we continue with mission 5 of week 2 of my journal of, Click funnels’, “One Funnel Away” Challenge. Today is a catch-up day so has no official title but we still have some teaching in the member’s area and a 2-hour coaching call from Eli today.

The challenge can be found here, or if you go to the “One Funnel Away” Challenge, site, you’ll see the sales funnel and you’ll see that it’s $100 to join the challenge, which is incredible value for money.

Stephen Larson’s coaching call today is 51-minutes and started with a story he heard from Myron Golden and explained why there is no clear path to where I am going, I will hit “roadblocks” that are unique just to me, so I need solve one issue at a time.

There are new challenges every day, Stephen explains why I need to practice “just in time” learning; which is to just learn the step that is in front of you, and only this step, to not be tempted to learn whatever you think might be needed in the future.

We looked at what a funnel really is; when we break it down it simply two things; an offer, and a message. Once we understand that stories amplify value, we can then know why we need to become good at telling stories, selling is storytelling.

Concluding with another look at the importance of publishing, why it can fill in the gaps for other parts of your business that might not be where they should be. We will improve things with time, but concentrate on solving problems and creating value.


Jim Edward’s video today is 7-minutes; we’re going to go further into hooks as headlines.

As part of this challenge, we are given access to a very useful tool titled: “Gary Halbert’s favourite direct response headlines”.to use in any situation to create an effective headline and hooks

A go-to formula is we can use is, the following sentence: How to, “good thing”, without, “bad thing”. For example “How to sell your house without paying any fees.

So lots of help here with creating great hooks and headlines for our products.

The coaching call for over two hours today was from Eli, who answered questions for the whole call, helping everyone taking the challenge with an issues people needed help with. Also looked a little forward to next week as we move into funnel building, what to expect and prepare for this hectic week.

See you tomorrow as we continue with the weekend missions of the second week of this challenge.

Thank you.

Roy Clayton.