The incredible internet marketing course, Week 2, weekend Missions.
Today we continue with the weekend mission of week 2 of my journal of, Click funnels’, “One Funnel Away” Challenge, which is a catch-up weekend mainly, but still has a few teachings we need to go through in the member’s area.
The challenge can be found here, or if you go to the “One Funnel Away” Challenge, site, you’ll see the sales funnel and you’ll see that it’s $100 to join the challenge, which is incredible value for money.
Julie has a 9-minute video today, where she offers us the “content creation template” on Trello. (, as we come up with ideas we need to note them down and log the process.
If we hire someone to help us with completing our content creation then we might want to use “Butler bot” which is a little robot allowing us to automate the processes in Trello. You can assign a task to someone and Butler Bot will automatically add the necessary checklists.
Julie provides her Trello template with most of what she explains in the teaching already completed, making it a lot easier for us to simply edit rather than the need to create from scratch.
Jim has a 2-minute video where he provides a list of everything we should have completed by now, as well as a list of wizards and bonuses. Then a 2-minute video to emphasis why it is important to catch up, especially with the hectic week we have ahead of us next week.
Possibly the most important video so far in this challenge because of the “WHY”. Why am I doing what I’m doing? And why should I finish what I started with the OFA Challenge?
We seem to have had plenty of warnings about how this challenge gets hectic next week as we start to build funnels. See you tomorrow as we continue with week 3 of this One Funnel Away Challenge.
Thank you.
Roy Clayton.