Roy Clayton
5 min readAug 3, 2020
The incredible internet marketing course, Week 3, Mission 1.

The incredible internet marketing course, Week 3, Mission 1.

Today we start week 3 off, Click funnels’, “One Funnel Away” Challenge. Today is mission 1 titled, “Core Funnel Strategy”.

The challenge can be found here, or if you go to the “One Funnel Away” Challenge, site, you’ll see the sales funnel and that it’s $100 to join the challenge, which is incredible value for money.

Starting in the member’s area, Russell Brunson teaching is 16-minutes and starts with explaining why funnels are not as complicated and some think. There are two main goals of a funnel; to generate a lead and create a customer, that’s it.

The funnel we are creating during this challenge has 3 pages; the first page is a squeeze or landing page to create a lead and build a list; the second page is the sales page, where the purpose is to create a customer and they make our offer; the third page is our upsell page.

We looked at why it is important to follow-up, once we have our customers email address, we need to have a system that enables us to follow-up and offer future products. The cash is in the follow-up!

Stephen Larson’s coaching call today is 26-minutes and starts with explaining why we have spent so much time in this challenge preparing for this funnel building week, why it’s important to have our hooks, stories and offers prepared, as well as the correct understanding of what’s important, or what we need to priorities to give us the best chance of success.

We looked briefly at paid and free traffic, and the three types of traffic, which are, the traffic we earn, own and control, the traffic we control being the most valuable. Then, why we need to be able to measure whether our marketing is successful or not. If we advertise on a billboard for example we can’t measure how successful this is, so if we are paying for ads then we need to be able to measure the effectiveness of our investment. There are many companies that have failed because they have blindly poured money into advertising.

Jim Edward’s has two teachings today, totalling 11-minutes, titled “Pull the Heart Strings and Anatomy of Every Page”.

First looking further at our story, check if I have enough emotion in my copy because this is a common mistake, I need to look again to check if I need to add more emotion, but also to look if I have too many facts and too much detail and remove most of this too because emotion is what drives sales.

Then looking at the anatomy of my funnel, to make sure all pages have the following basic elements; There’s always a headline, to tell people why they are where they are, so they know they are in the right spot. Next, there’s some sort of story, either written or video to tell you what the deal is and designed to get you excited. Then there’s a summary and a “call to action”.

There are other elements that might be on various pages but these elements need to be on every page. These seem obvious and basic, but it is very common for people to miss some of these elements so it’s good practice to check.

Working on Design

Julie’s coaching call today is 11-minutes, starting with screenshots of the funnel we will be building.

The sales page is the longest and hardest page to complete and will probably take more time than the rest of the funnel added together.

How the funnel looks when it’s in our account, then going deeper into the sales page. It’s best to have a video of me presenting my story and offer on the sales page for approximately 5 minutes.

As this is a share funnel, Julie has added what we need to write as our copy in the various areas of our pages, for example, “The first thing you need to do on a sales page is, present the problem”, so we can simply add our copy for this by replacing Julie’s instructions. Simple but very helpful.

There are two, 2-hour coaching calls today; the first call is with Morag. We start building funnels this week so Morag goes straight into creating a squeeze page, looking at all the various permutations to make sure we have saved the customer’s email address. The main purpose of today is to go through the squeeze page; the other parts of the funnel are covered day by day as we go through this week

Morag went over a long to-do list in today’s workbook, making sure we have completed everything before we start to build funnels.

Now we looked at how to get started quickly. Click funnels are full of shortcuts, and ways to build what you need quickly, right now I can’t imagine I will need to build a funnel from scratch, because it seems easier and better to use a share funnel and then simply edit, but this is my first impressions.

We are given access to a “Cookbook” that is also downloadable, that we can use as a guide to go through all the various funnels, kind of like a roadmap.

Great coaching call, lots of useful advice, going into some deep detail.

The second 2-hour coaching call was with Lee, and we covered a lot, starting with general questions related to what we’ve covered in the course so far.

The theme of today was “design hack”, which if misunderstood might look unethical, but is to model other businesses that we know to be successful, rather than trying to start blindly from scratch. Our funnel needs to be well designed and not just slapped together, as this can have a significant effect on sales.

Most importantly there are 3 key questions we need to answer in the first 7 seconds of our visitor’s attention:

1 What’s in it for me?

2 Why is this site going to be different?

3 The “call to action” button, even on a button this needs to show desire.

We looked at how important the upper part of the page is because 80% of decisions are made on the upper half of a page before the need to scroll.

We looked at a number of tools to help with our “design hack”, is a “gold mine”, It can be easy to see what is working on a site but not so easy to see what the journey was, this tool shows the site when the site perhaps wasn’t doing so good, so you can see what needed to be changed.

Other design Chrome extension Tools to help design hack are: “Colorzilla” so that we can know the exact colour we want; “What-font”, for the font details; and “Page ruler” to find the exact distance between each element.

Another long but very informative day, see you tomorrow as we continue with mission 2 of the third week of this challenge.

Thank you.

Roy Clayton.

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