Roy Clayton
4 min readAug 6, 2020
The incredible internet marketing course, Week 3, Mission 4.

The incredible internet marketing course, Week 3, Mission 4.

Today we continue with mission 4, of this third week of, Click funnels’, “One Funnel Away” Challenge. Today is titled, “The Sales Page”.

The challenge can be found here, or if you go to the “One Funnel Away” Challenge, site, you’ll see the sales funnel and that it’s $100 to join the challenge, which is incredible value for money.

Starting in the member’s area, Russell’s teaching is 14-minutes, and we are building our sales page and order form. The principles we used yesterday to build our squeeze page are very similar principles here too.

Headline as a hook, then a video of me telling my origin story, of the product I’m selling. Under the video goes my offer, which is my list of each item that will also include, hook, story, offer in the description for each item. The order form can be a separate page or it can be part of the sales page, it doesn’t really matter. How long should I make my video presentation? Russel explains that usually a longer video is needed with more explanation, as the price of the product increases.

It is important not to overcomplicate, some web sites might seem to have lots of detail but they are likely to have teams of people working on them, this is not where I am right now, so I need to stay uncomplicated and just get started, take the shortest path, not the most complicated.

Stephen Larson one hour coaching call walks us through more on the sales page and order form. A script Stephen recommends as a template, to help write our copy, or record our video, it is the, “who, what, why, how, the script”, simply answer these four questions so we don’t miss any obvious detail. We looked at the first 3 phases of the funnel, as these are the most likely places our funnel will fail; firstly traffic temperature, hot, warm, cold and the significance and difference of each, if I target the wrong customer, I can have a great funnel but still fail, I need to sell to my “dream customer” only. Secondly, “the pre-frame”, or the introduction, kind of like the introduction someone might get before they go on stage. Thirdly “qualify subscribers”, once someone has been through our squeeze page, or we’ve had some sort of communication with, then we would consider them a “qualified subscriber”.

Stephen concludes with a walkthrough of the importance of, “hook, story, offer” on each page, and even each item. This is being repeated a lot right now by all the instructors, so is obviously important.

Special Offer

Jim Edward’s teaching today is 24-minutes, and explains how all the sales funnel parts fit together, what is the ratio is between each one, from a sales perspective, then gives us a demo of the “hook, story, offer script”.

Jim walks us through a typical funnel, so much useful detail, teaching I will watch again and again, also a comprehensive demo of the hook story offer script could almost be a sales presentation for funnel scripts, but is needed. Great teaching to understand how all the parts fit together.

Julie has two coaching calls today totalling 17-minutes, going through the step by step process of building our sales and order page. Today is actually less technical than yesterday when we built our squeeze page because the sales page is mainly about design, Julie advises leaving the design alone as much as possible, because this has been tested lots, and is known to work, so if it’s not broke don’t fix it!

Follow the copy prompts, and unless you are a horrible writer you should have a good copy just by follow this and changing the message to fit the product.

For the order form, there’s not much design to do here either, the share funnel is already done and just needs a small amount of editing. Setting up the products in the back end is where the real work on our order form is needed, so Julie goes through each task we need to complete for each of our products. If I’m including an order bump then this needs to be done second and placed last on the page.

There are no coaching calls, but very informative and useful teaching today. See you tomorrow as we continue with mission 5 of this third week.

Thank you.

Roy Clayton.